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Emotional Quotient- Foundational skill in education

    EQ- Foundational skill in education   Year is 1995 it is 5pm and all in my family were super anxious as my eldest sister’s 11 th grade result was about to be announced. Moment result was out my parents could not stop bragging about their daughter’s final score, she was State second rank holder and her score was…. 74%. Fast forward thirty years and score for a topper is 99.99%. Buzz word for last three decades was STEM. The reason behind this shift was the observation that education, being imparted at that time, was limited to data acquisition. Students were not guided to learn why and how of concepts, leave aside creating something new from knowledge they acquired. There is no doubt that introduction of STEM learning empowered children to explore, create and experiment new ideas. But question to be asked is ‘Is STEM ultimate shift in education?’ To answer this question first thing, we need to clarify is, ‘What is education?’ For me education is the bridge that enables
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Understanding Circadian Rhythm: A Guide for Parents

As parents, ensuring our children get the sleep they need is one of our top priorities. However, it's not just the amount of sleep that matters; it's also about the quality and timing of sleep. This is where circadian rhythm comes into play – the internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. What is Circadian Rhythm? Circadian rhythm is the body's internal clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle over a 24-hour period. It's controlled by the brain's hypothalamus, which responds to environmental cues like light and darkness. These cues help synchronize our internal clock with the natural day-night cycle. Why is Circadian Rhythm Important for Children? For children, a well-regulated circadian rhythm is crucial for their overall health and development. It affects not only their sleep but also their mood, behavior, cognitive function, and physical health. Disruptions to this rhythm can lead to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, and feeling rested. The S

Kindness- Nature’s unique hue

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Power of Knowledge and Mirror neurons

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The sticky-notes (Self-connect)

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Power Tool- Pause

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Preschooler's Snack Breaks: More Than Just Munching Moments

I can vividly recall the first time I left my three-year-old alone in his preschool. It felt like my heart sank inside me. A thousand questions raced through my mind: What if he needs something? Who will feed him? What if another child hurts him? Today, he's a 17-year-old young man who tells me, "Take a break, you need rest. I'll take care of things." It's amazing how parents grow alongside their children. When our children start going to preschool alone, they're confronted with new people, environments, and routines. For parents, it's one of the most anxiety-inducing experiences. Having been in the preschool environment for almost two decades now, I've seen that children take a day or two to realize they're safe and can have fun in this new environment. However, it takes much longer for us as adults to trust and have faith in the caregivers. Every moment in these environments teaches children something or lays the foundation for their future life.